Yoga Poses for Emotional Stability

This asana sequence for settling the mind and opening the heart is based on B.K.S. Iyengar’s Asanas for Emotional Stability, which appears in his book, Light on Life. At times we may feel we don’t have enough time or energy to practice yoga. When you feel this way, get out the mat and see what happens. Mix and match the poses below, choosing one or two from each group, in order, depending on what you need and how much time you have available. Even ten minutes of poses like these can move the“stuck” energy and allow you to feel restored, calm, and uplifted.  

Practice headstand and shoulder stand only if you’ve been taught by a certified Iyengar instructor. Otherwise, use one of the alternatives. Practice non-harming and truthfulness on and off of the mat.

Group A

Adho mukha virasana — child’s pose
Adho mukha svanasana — downward facing dog pose
Uttanasana — standing forward extension 

Group A poses help to calm an anxious or worried mind. Practice these as a short sequence, moving between the three poses several times, or hold them longer individually with the head supported. 

Group B

Prasarita padottanasana — extended wide leg pose
Sirsasana — headstand 
Dwipada viparita dandasana — inverted staff pose, lying over a chair or bolster with shoulders off the edge of the support and head releasing down or resting on an additional support 

Group B poses help us to get a different perspective on life as we literally see from a different perspective while balancing the energies of the head and heart.

Group C

Salamba sarvangasana — shoulder stand
Viparita karani — hips on bolster, legs up wall
Setu bandhasana — bridge pose over blankets or bolsters, shoulders and head on floor

Group C poses bring openness to the chest area to enliven the spirits while calming the mind.

Group D

Baddha konasana – bound angle pose 
Upavistha konasana – seated wide angle pose
Parsva upavistha konasana – wide angle pose turning chest 

Group D poses stimulate the brain for positive thinking before quieting into savasana.

Ending pose 

Savasana — corpse pose, with chest and head slightly elevated

Ending pose, savasana, allows space for inner silence.